


RAASM S.p.A constantly strives to promote an ethical and transparent work environment. Our organisation, in line with our core values, is committed to ensuring that employees, managers, collaborators, third-party partners and all those involved in our network adhere to high ethical and legal standards.

We believe that transparency is critical to our success and encourage all members of the organisation to report in good faith any behaviour that does not comply with ethical and legal standards. The Whistleblowing Procedure has been implemented to provide a secure and confidential channel through which potential wrongdoing can be reported.

What you can report:

Violations of national rules and European Union law or conduct, acts or omissions detrimental to the public interest or to RAASM SpA that the individual submitting the report has become aware of in his or her work context.

What you cannot report:

Disputes, claims or demands linked to an interest of a personal nature pertaining to one's employment relationship or pertaining to relations with hierarchically superior figures;

It is important to emphasise that RAASM S.p.A. does not tolerate false or vexatious statements, mere suspicions, rumours, personal grievances or unfounded claims.

We recognise that there may be situations in which the Individual submitting the report prefers to remain anonymous. RAASM SpA also carefully considers and analyses anonymous reports, assessing their seriousness, credibility and the likelihood that the facts are confirmed by reliable sources.

To facilitate reporting, we have implemented a web-based IT platform managed by a specialised third party. This platform guarantees professionalism, discretion and compliance with local regulations to protect the confidentiality of the identity of the Individual submitting the report, the Reported individual, any third parties or witnesses cited and the facts stated in the report.


Alternatively, you can send a letter on headed paper:
To the attention of the Whistleblowing Manager - c/o RAASM S.p.A.
Via Marangoni, n°33  C.P. 72
36022 S. Zeno di Cassola (VI) ITALY
You can also request a direct meeting with the Whistleblowing Manager
by sending an e-mail to:
For special situations involving Italian/European companies, there is the possibility of communicating through external channels such as ANAC, judicial authorities or public disclosure.

We believe that your contribution to the promotion of an ethical environment is crucial to our collective success.
Thank you for your continued commitment.