The RAASM story dates all the way back to 1975, when entrepreneur Giovanni Menon created a company for the production of “artisan-produced technical mechanical items” (RAASM, Realizzazioni Artigiane Articoli Speciali Meccanici). In a short space of time, RAASM went from being a small artisan company to a main player in the industry, becoming a leader in the development of equipment for the management and handling of fluids.
In 2020, RAASM celebrated an important milestone: 45 years of business. This was a period in which the company has stood out for the quality, innovation, technical and commercial reliability of its services and products. Quality, innovation and support: three fundamental points without which RAASM would not have come this far.
Discover all of the milestones our company has reached since 1975 and become part of the extended RAASM family.
MAY 1975
was founded by Mr. Giovanni Menon in S. Zeno di Cassola, in the province of Vicenza, Italy.

The first versions of the pressure sprayer and Pressoil, an oil distributor, are the products that the newly founded company designs and launches on the market during the early months.
APRIL 1978
The RAASM range is extended with the first version of the Aspiroil, a used oil aspirator for vehicles that exploits tank depressurisation to aspirate liquid.

JUNE 1979
A new and important product family is added to the catalogue of the company led by Giovanni Menon: 1979 will be remembered for the launch of the first versions of the used oil recuperators and aspirators for vehicles, a product for which RAASM has always stood out on the market and that, over time, has become one of the most recognised symbols in the world.
JUNE 1979
The pneumatic piston pumps are introduced. The first aeropulsometer models are cutting-edge and will, over the years, play an increasingly important role in the RAASM range.

JUNE 1979
In the same month, the first grease nipples are introduced, pneumatic, manual and trolley-mounted grease distributors.
The company continues to grow and 1983 sees the birth of the product that, over the years, will become one of the reference points for the RAASM market: hose reels.

The laboratory becomes a depot: the first lot of land is acquired, on the current site, and a new and larger production base is built.
RAASM begins organising dedicated hot air balloon and flying meets, and that’s not all as, in 1990, the first Montegrappa International Flying Meeting is hosted.

The firm adopts a new company name: RAASM becomes a limited company.
Events continue with large-scale company meets - this year sees the 1<sup>st</sup> RAASM Park Trophy, with hot air balloon races and demonstrations. It proves to be a great success.

The millennium closes with the restructuring of the south-east side of the depot and building of a road through the park surrounding the entire company.
The logistical and structural expansion of RAASM continues in 2000, as the external coverings and internal warehouses undergo further extension.

MAY 2005
Warehouse logistics are vertically reorganised, with the acquisition of 4 brand new structures, managed via computer, known as “Modula”.
The years pass but company quality lives on... The firm celebrates its 30th anniversary.

RAASM crosses the Atlantic to found RAASM USA. This is the first independent commercial base, headquartered in the city of Charlotte, in North Carolina.
A new phase of product and catalogue development begins: the R&D department creates ram hoist models in order to strengthen the company’s presence in the industrial sector.

Diaphragm pumps become a reality. Company R&D concludes the design and production of this new pump technology, to be used in both the traditional automotive sector and in industry.
Digital meters also feature in the RAASM catalogue. After an intense design phase, this product enters our range and, just like all RAASM products, it is 100% Made in Italy.

It is not just the industrial sector to benefit from innovation as, from 2011, the automotive sector can also exploit a cutting-edge automated fluid management system, the FCS - Fluid Control System.
The company increases its focus on an eco-sustainable economy, introducing 100% recyclable packaging.

No longer just fluids, but also electricity. RAASM produces its first range of electric hose reels with and without lights.
Technology and innovation become an increasing part of RAASM DNA. Confirmation of this comes with the production of centralised lubrication systems, a range of products that combine the traditional need to lubricate moving parts with a computerised system for the automated management of operations.

The company successfully reaches its 40 year milestone, having spent four decades innovating and knowing how to innovate. Today, the company is an international reference point for its sector.
RAASM product evolution never stops: the new versions of the diaphragm pump in polypropylene, manual and trolley-mounted hose reels and trolley-mounted ram hoist models for 18-30 kg drums arrive on the market.

In an increasingly digital era, RAASM launches the new website and renews online profiles, offering the possibility to interact in a clear, simple and effective way.
The R&D department designs the MID certified digital meter,tool required compulsorily in the European Union for commercial transactions of direct sale of lubricants in a contest of public use.

The wide range of hose reel is enriched with precious accessories to ensure an even safer and tidier working environment: we are talking about the "Speed Control" rewinding brake and the "M-Arte" hose guide.
RAASM obtains the certification of the environmental management system according to the international standard UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 thanks to the concrete actions implemented with a view to continuous improvement, environmental sustainability and promotion of ethically responsible behavior.

The first AISI 316 stainless steel diaphragm pumps are designed and manufactured, ideal for the transfer of aggressive/corrosive fluids in the industrial sector.
The study and research of new materials made in RAASM are the order of the day: the 530 series hose reels are developed in high quality plastic material "ABS" to offer the customers the maximum flexibility of choice in the range of hose reels.